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Through my journey at Mphasis, I have seen people's perception change over the years. From being considered handicapped, then disabled and now to differently abled, I have witnessed the evolution of people's sympathy to empathy. Today organizations like Mphasis go the extra mile to provide world-class facilities; be it accessible facilities, doorstep cab service, or office attendants to help an employee do their job effectively without discrimination.

When I look back on this World Disability Day, I remember the one event that changed my life forever. At the age of 14, I had gone to the All-India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AllPMR) for a surgery on my leg. I spent a fortnight with people who were more disabled than me but always had smiles on their faces. While I learnt that many of the barriers and attitudes toward differently abled individuals persisted, being around their bright faces taught me that my disability is not a hindrance but a blessing in disguise as if 'God has given me something less - he has compensated me with something extra'. From then on, my journey began, and I have never looked back.

I always look at the positive experiences in my life to keep me going. I stood 1st in in the entire Akola district in the 4th Standard and all of my schoolteachers came home to congratulate me. I was also a gold medalist in MCA (Master of Computer Application) from Kolhapur University and played chess at the university level.

When life throws a challenge in front of me, I face it with one thing in mind - since I have conquered a physical disability, I can overcome any hurdle. So when my son was born with a very rare genetic disorder and I saw him struggle with the smallest of things, it made me stronger in the last 21 years. Today it gives me immense pride knowing that he graduated engineering with flying colors and is placed in a good job.

Let today be a reminder that our abilities are the result of hard work, great self-discipline, zest for life, energy, and power. I would rather be fully accepted as a normal person, than someone to be admired.

With the great team in place under the leadership of our CEO, let's make Mphasis a benchmark for other companies to follow and become the choice of employment for all differently abled/diversified people.

Vijay Attal
AVP & Lead - Delivery Excellence